Primary School

Starting primary school brings with it a whole new set of challenges – coping with school toilets, new friends, new routines and separation anxiety to name a few. If your child is already some way through primary school there may be other stresses with friendship problems, bullying or perhaps anxiety about moving up to secondary school. Luckily there is a lot of support available for families including websites, books, videos, helplines and online chat options, so have a look at what’s on offer below.

Recommended websites

  • Talking to children about feelings: sensible and practical advice on this NHS page including how you might notice that something is wrong by the way your child is playing or behaving.
  • NHS 0-18 years section on children’s mental health Lots of links and videos for parents. Useful green/amber/red guidance on what’s normal and when to seek help. e.g in the anxiety section.
  • Families Under Pressure Check out these short top tips videos on help with difficult behaviour and help with negative emotions formulated by NHS Mental Health Experts.
  • Keep CAMHS and Carry On A series of podcasts, some of which are relevant for parents of younger children, some older e.g managing challenging behaviour, ways of managing stress or ideas for mood-boosting exercise in children.
  • Family Lives This website has articles and videos on lots of topics such as making new friends, positive discipline, ‘pester power’, homework, coping with stealing or lying, ‘school gate culture’, and many more:
  • Partnership for Children A charity that provides materials to build emotional resilience in children mainly for use in schools but also for parents. Downloadable activities for children aged 5-9 yrs on feelings, communication, friendship (including dealing with rejection and loneliness), dealing with anger and change. For example, there is a printable barometer for feelings of anger and activities that you can do with your child such as thinking about what makes a good friend. 

Best books for parents of primary school-age children


  • The Incredible Years by C Webster-Stratton for parents of children aged 2-8 years. Although this is quite a long book, it’s an easy read and very practical with lots of examples. You can dip into the sections relevant to you. Recommended.
  • Overcoming Worry, Shyness, Anger, OCD  and more by Dawn Huebner. A useful series of illustrated books for the 6-11-year-old age group.  All are highly rated by parents and professionals and have sections for the child to fill in with their own ideas and examples. They are best read and done together with a parent. Often available in your local library.
  • How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. Easy to read with lots of illustrations and a light touch but sensible advice.
  • Perfectly Norman by Tom Percival. One of a series of books, this book is about self-acceptance and is full of lovely illustrations and positive messages. Highly rated by parents. See also Ravi’s Roar, Ruby’s Worry, Tilda Tries Again and Meesha Makes Friends
  • My Hidden Chimp by Steve Peters. Suitable for ages 6-11 years, this book can help children manage their emotions. Based on the Chimp paradox but made accessible to a younger audience.


Could my child have ADHD? ADHD is the most common behaviour disorder in children. Children may struggle to concentrate, cannot control their behaviour and often seem to have too much energy. Parents...


Anger and aggression can be hard to cope with, both for the child themselves and for those around them. Underneath the angry behaviour…


How to help your anxious child – advice, videos, books and top tips


What is autism? Autism is a lifelong, neurodevelopmental condition, which means that signs are often noticeable from an early age. Autism can affect how a person communicates and interacts with...

Body Image

Promoting a healthy and positive body image whilst children are at their most impressionable, will strengthen their self-esteem and may help them to have more confidence in later life. Some of the...


Being bullied is a horrible experience whatever your age. If it spills into social media, you might not be able to escape bullies even when you are at home, and a lot of bullying behaviour is online...

Coping with divorce or separation

When parents separate, it's hard for the whole family. Scroll down for help and advice for parents, including practical information,  and a section for children and young people Talking to your...

Coping with illness, death or loss

Talking to your child about death or illness When someone in the family is very ill, dying or has died, everyone copes differently and even adults may find it difficult to express how they feel....

Depression and low mood

I'm worried my child might be depressed Realising your child is unhappy is upsetting for parents and it can be difficult to know what is just mood swings that might be expected. Of course, most...

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are unusual in children at primary school but not unheard of, so if you are worrying about whether your child is developing an eating disorder, or have discovered that they have,...

Encouraging good behaviour or habits

We have compiled some tips for encouraging good behaviour or habits, covering rewards systems and…

Gender identity, puberty and sex

Sensible information on puberty, sex and sexuality and how to talk about it as a family... Questions about sex and puberty may come up quite early in the primary school years, but most children...

Internet safety & gaming

The internet can is hugely fun and educational but can become a source of concern to parents when children and teenagers spend many hours online. Some children may run into problems with social...

Long-term illness and mood

Any long-term illness can cause anxiety and low mood Understandably, children with a long-term illness can sometimes end up feeling depressed, anxious or have difficulty sleeping. It can quickly...


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety-related condition It would be quite unusual to diagnose OCD at primary school age. People with OCD experience frequent unwanted and sometimes...

Problems with Food

My child won’t eat or is a picky eater It’s very common for young children to only eat very limited diets and still thrive, but sometimes older children continue to be very selective about the food...

Problems with toileting

Although toileting is not strictly a behavioural problem, it can have a huge impact on the family when it’s not going according to plan and sometimes behavioural strategies can help. The best source...

School anxiety and school refusal

School refusal or school anxiety may start for any number of reasons: it might be because of worries about school work, friends, or bullying or it can easily be triggered after a period of illness...


Self-esteem can be boosted in so many ways, but it's not about praising everything a child does or never telling them off. Here are a few top tips, but most of all parents can help by remembering...


Sleep problems are not confined to young children and worries about the dark or sleeping alone can continue well into primary and even secondary school. Getting enough exercise, turning off screens...

Tics & Tourettes

Tics are repetitive involuntary movements or sounds like twitches, grunts, or coughs. They are quite common in early childhood…